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搅局者小米 雷军崛起撼动世界-南宫28NG相信品牌力量

发布时间:2024-09-21 丨 浏览次数:

本文摘要:You can tell a lot about the state of the tech industry by looking at the company that’s currently scaring the crap out of everybody. A decade ago, it was Google . More recently, Facebook became the 800-pound gorilla in social media and photo sharing. This year, the heavy is one that was unknown in the US until a year or so ago: Xiaomi.要想要了解理解科技业的现状,只必须想到那家让所有人都吓得颤抖的顶尖公司才可。

You can tell a lot about the state of the tech industry by looking at the company that’s currently scaring the crap out of everybody. A decade ago, it was Google . More recently, Facebook became the 800-pound gorilla in social media and photo sharing. This year, the heavy is one that was unknown in the US until a year or so ago: Xiaomi.要想要了解理解科技业的现状,只必须想到那家让所有人都吓得颤抖的顶尖公司才可。10年前是谷歌公司。

近几年则是社交媒体和照片共享领域的巨无霸Facebook公司。而今年的重量级运动员,毕竟一家直到一年多前还不为美国人熟知的中国公司:小米。Out of countless smartphone makers that have emerged to build on the Android mobile operating system, Xiaomi has not only broken apart from the herd, it’s quickly given other smartphone manufacturers a run for their money. Xiaomi’s share of the global smartphone market rose to 5.3% in late 2014 from 2.1% a year earlier, according to Statista.在全球无数家基于安卓系统打造出的智能手机厂商中,小米不仅杀出重围,而且让其他厂商感受到了很大的竞争压力。

根据德国统计资料公司Statista获取的数据,在全球智能手机市场上,小米占有的份额已从2013年的2.1%升到2014年年末的5.3%。A big reason for Xiaomi’s sudden success is that it designs its own hardware as well as the firmware that rides on top of Android’s open-source software. Xiaomi’s MIUI interface evokes the speed and sleekness of an iPhone or a high-end Samsung phone, but often retails for half the price. Most Android phone sellers, by contrast, rely on similar design templates offered by third-party manufacturers like Foxconn.小米飞速顺利的众多原因是,它是基于安卓开源软件设计自己的硬件及固件的。小米MIUI系统运营一起光滑简洁,几乎可与iPhone或三星的高端手机相媲美,但售价却经常仅有是后者的一半。相比之下,绝大多数安卓手机厂商只倚赖富士康公司这类第三方代工商获取的相近设计模板。

Xiaomi’s simple strategy of high-quality gadgets at lower prices is threatening the business models of some of the biggest names in technology, including:小米这一非常简单的优质低价战略,已威胁到了几家业界大佬的商业模式,比如:Samsung.In China, where the bulk of Xiaomi’s phones have been sold to date, the company’s market share has risen to 15% from 5% a year earlier. Samsung’s, meanwhile, has fallen to 12% from 19%. According to IDC, Samsung’s smartphone shipments in China declined by 22% in 2014, while Xiaomi’s surged 187%.三星公司。中国是小米手机销售的主要市场,该公司的市场份额已从一年前的5%升到目前的15%。而三星的份额则从19%降到12%。

IDC公司的数据表明,三星智能手机2014年的出货量已上升22%,而小米却激增187%。Samsung has been a big presence in other emerging economies, but Xiaomi announced in January that it would be pushing aggressively into Brazil, Russia and other emerging markets. After launching in India in July, Xiaomi already has a 4% market share. And the company raised $1.1 billion in December, proceeds that could go to building manufacturing and marketing presences in new countries.在其他新兴经济体,三星的市场地位仍然如日中天,但今年1月小米宣告,该公司将乘机转入巴西、俄罗斯和其他新兴市场。

在去年7月转入印度后,小米目前已享有4%的市场份额。此外去年12月,小米顺利筹得11亿美元,这笔钱将用作在新兴市场建厂和营销。Apple has emerged as the predominant smartphone company at the high end of the market. So with Xiaomi offering stylish phones at lower prices, Samsung may find itself pinched between iPhones and low-cost commodity Android phones. Now Xiaomi is gunning for another core Samsung market: TV sets. In November, Xiaomi paid$200 million for Midea Group, a maker of consumer electronics, and said it would spend $1 billion to build out its TV ecosystem.苹果早就是智能机高端市场的霸主。

所以,随着小米发售价格低廉的时尚手机,三星可能会受到iPhone和低价安卓机的双重断裂,堪称腹背受敌。现在,小米又把火力对准了三星另一个核心市场:电视。去年11月,小米支付家电厂商美的集团2亿美元,相提并论其将耗资10亿美元打造出自己的电视生态系统。GoPro.Xiaomi is also planning on launching a site to sell its goods in the US. But for various reasons like the complex subsidies US carriers pay to offset sticker prices, Xiaomi won’t sell smartphones here but instead will sell its fitness tracker, headphones and other accessories.GoPro公司。

小米还计划发售一个网站在美国销售自己的产品。但出于多种原因,比如美国运营商经常向客户缴纳简单的补贴,从而需要抵销一些便宜手机的零售价,小米会在美销售智能机,而是想销售它的健美追踪器、耳机和其他配件。Earlier this month, Xiaomi said it would also start selling the Yi Camera, a 1080p high-definition action camera that sounds a lot like the best-selling Hero sold by GoPro. Only the Yi will sell for $64, or about half the price of the Hero. The Yi even improves on the Hero with a 16-megapixel camera shooting 60 frames a second. So again, high-end quality at half the price.本月初,小米宣告将开始发售小蚁运动照相机,这是一款1080p高清运动照相机,听得一起很看起来GoPro最畅销的Hero照相机。只不过小蚁照相机仅有购64美元,大约为Hero售价的一半。

此外,小蚁运动照相机还在Hero的基础上大幅度改良,配备了一个1600万像素的镜头,每秒可摄制60张照片。这似乎又是一个高端低价产品。GoPro’s brand is much stronger in the US than Xiaomi’s. If that changes, GoPro faces a tough choice between slashing the Hero’s price or watching its market share erode. GoPro’s stock has already lost 39% this year amid concerns about whether it can maintain its torrid growth pace. The bigger the splash that Xiaomi’s camera makes in the US, the more those concerns will grow.GoPro的品牌在美国要比小米强势得多。


小米照相机在美国引发的波澜越大,投资者就不会愈发忧虑。Google.As a thriving smartphone company built on Android, you’d think Xiaomi’s success would be a positive for Google, which still makes the vast bulk of its revenue from online ads. But Google’s services and mobile apps are either blocked or hamstrung in China, so local companies like Alibaba and Baidu have long since learned to work on Android phones without Google’s API.谷歌公司。

作为一家创建在安卓系统之上,发展快速增长的智能手机公司,大家可能会指出,小米的顺利对谷歌这家大部分收益仍来自在线广告的公司大有益处。但是,谷歌的服务和移动应用于在中国不是被屏蔽就是被禁令,所以阿里巴巴和百度这样的本土企业很早已学会在没谷歌应用于的安卓手机上开展业务了。Google has never had a strong footprint in China. What isn’t clear is what role Google apps will play on Xiaomi’s phones sold outside of China. On the one hand, Google takes a hard line on companies that use Android without its services. On the other, Xiaomi VP (and former Googler) Hugo Barra indicated last week that Xiaomi may not export to new markets the app store it uses for its Chinese customers.谷歌在中国仍然就没有怎么风生水起过。目前尚能不确切的是,在小米买到国外市场的手机上,谷歌应用于将扮演着什么角色。

一方面,谷歌对那些用于安卓手机却不必自己服务的公司态度强硬。另一方面,小米公司的副总裁(也是前谷歌高管)雨果o巴拉上周称之为,小米有可能会把目前中国用户用于的应用于商店出口到新兴市场。Apple.Given the popularity of the iPhone 6 in China and across the globe, Apple seems to be immune for now to any threat posed by Xiaomi. But glance a few years down the road and it’s not hard to imagine the Chinese manufacturer competing with the best products offered by the reigning king of Silicon Valley.苹果公司。鉴于iPhone 6在中国和全球的热卖,苹果眼下或许丝毫会被小米动摇。

但是展望未来几年,不难想象这家中国厂商将迅速与硅谷王者打造出的最佳产品一较高下。Xiaomi’s MIUI is several years younger than Apple’s iOS. But despite Apple’s early lead, Xiaomi has quickly created an interface that is not only drawing more comparisons with the look and feel of iOS, it’s designed to be used on a wide array of devices from phones to tablets to wearables.小米的MIUI系统要比苹果的iOS晚发售几年。

尽管苹果拥有先发地位,但小米很快地打造出了一套外观和用于体验都能和iOS相媲美的系统,还让它应用于手机、平板和可穿着设备等产品。Xiaomi’s expansion trajectory also looks a lot like Apples: a smart TV console that streams digital content, a fitness tracker that could easily mature into a smartwatch, headphones that offer stylish looks and gold-colored metal. There were even reports this week of a Xiaomi electric car–spurious, to be sure, but it fits the idea that the most innovative companies are interested in the car market.小米产品的扩展轨迹也和苹果十分类似于:一台可播放流媒体数字内容的智能电视终端,一款能很更容易研发为智能手表的健美追踪器,以及一款外形时尚的金色头戴式耳机。甚至本周还有传言称之为小米要发售电动汽车——这当然纯属谣传, 不过这种众说纷纭也合乎大家广泛尊重的一个观点,即极富创新性的公司都识破了汽车市场。

Apple’s earlier iPhones suffered phases when their features weren’t terribly distinctive from other top phones on the market. If that happens again, and Mi’s user experience comes closer to that of the iPhone, Xiaomi could steal some of Appple’s market share. In the meantime, the two emerging rivals have already taken to throwing shade on each other.苹果早期发售的iPhone也曾经历过低谷,因为当时它的功能与市面上其他高端手机并无明显差异。如果这种历史重演,小米的用于体验更加相似iPhone,小米就不会夺走苹果的一部分市场份额。目前这两个输掉早已开始互相批评挑刺了。

Xiaomi is sure to face speed bumps as it races forward, like the patent suitsit’s already facing in India. Competitors may use patent litigation to slow Xiaomi’s global expansion, but then again, a company worth $45 billion and planning an IPO can easily raise enough cash to buy a substantial patent portfolio of its own. Beyond that, it’s hard to see what will slow Xiaomi’s steady march ahead.在很快发展的进程中,小米一定也不会遇上障碍,比如该公司早已在印度遭遇了专利官司。各路输掉可能会用专利诉讼来扯快小米全球扩展的脚步,但对这样一家市值高达450亿美元,而且正在筹划上市的企业来说,要筹得充足资金并购一大堆属于自己的专利是轻而易举的事情。除此之外,还很难看见有什么障碍能挡住小米扎实而有力的步伐。



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