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发布时间:2024-09-23 丨 浏览次数:

本文摘要:Google Chrome has finally fixed a huge annoyance for its users. Chrome has removed the keyboard shortcut that makes the backspace key return to the previous page.谷歌Chrome浏览器于日前再一解决问题了用户的众多后遗症。

Google Chrome has finally fixed a huge annoyance for its users. Chrome has removed the keyboard shortcut that makes the backspace key return to the previous page.谷歌Chrome浏览器于日前再一解决问题了用户的众多后遗症。Chrome浏览器早已后移除了一键盘快捷键,此“退格键”主要用作回到前一页。This feature caused problems for many people who would inadvertently lose a whole bunch of information that they had just entered into a form.这一“特点”引发了一系列问题,不会导致用户在不经意间遗失了刚填上的一大堆信息。For example, if you were filling out a survey or other web form and pressed the backspace key when you werent actually focused in one of the text boxes, Chrome interpreted the backspace as a back button which would cause you to lose all of the data you had just entered.例如:你正在填上一份调查问卷或者其他的网页表单,在未瞄准文本框的情况下按下退格键,Chrome配置文件退格键即为“回到”按钮,导致刚输出的所有信息遗失。

Google engineers wrote, when they first announced that the fix was coming at the end of July, that years of user complaints have finally driven them to get rid of the shortcut.谷歌工程师写到,7月底他们第一次宣告回应展开修缮,多年的用户滋扰再一促成他们中止了这一快捷键。Although some hardcore shortcut fans have complained heartily about this move, Google engineers said that the number of people suffering, plus the relative ease of switching back, make the change worth it.尽管习惯用于该快捷键的人反感责怪此次修缮,但谷歌工程师称之为,不习惯这一快捷键的人数众多,再行再加转换回去比较更容易些,所以这一转变是有一点的。

Were definitely aware of the frustration that this causes users who have come to rely on the shortcut, a Google product manager, Tyler Odean, writes. However for users who dont understand the behavior of the shortcut, which is the majority of users, the loss of data is also super frustrating and they are less equipped to understand or prevent their frustrations.“我们的确意识到这将使得倚赖此快捷键的用户十分失望,”谷歌产品经理泰勒·奥丁写到。“但是对于不懂如何用于此快捷键的大多数用户而言,数据的遗失也超级失望,他们更加无法解读或防止这种失望感觉。”People who like the shortcut can either switch to using other ones (like alt+left arrow on Windows, command+left arrow on Mac) or install a Chrome extension that makes backspace go back again.那些习惯用于快捷键的用户要么用于其他快捷键(像Windows操作系统下alt+左箭头键,Mac操作系统下command+左箭头键),要么加装Chrome拓展版之后用于“退格键”。

This fix has officially started rolling out for Chrome users and a spokesperson tells us it should be at 100% soon.此修缮已月面向Chrome用户推展,一位发言人告诉他我们,这应当迅速就不会“百分百”的构建。



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