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发布时间:2024-09-28 丨 浏览次数:





1月24日外媒报导称之为,“王子基金”(Princes Trust)目前宣告,出于公众关系影响的考虑到,仍然拒绝接受来自华为的新捐献。王子基金在对《金融时报》的一份声明中回应,这一要求是该机构在本周对其与华为长达12年的关系展开审查后作出的。随后,华为方面回应对此事深感沮丧,华为对王子基金为年轻人所做到的工作回应认同,也为10多年的合作关系深感自豪,期望未来有再度合作。所附:孟晚舟MBS新闻英文投稿《Why Huawei values collaboration with universities》翻译成以及原文问世于中世纪欧洲的大学在数个世纪的时间里,主要是为了将那个时代的科学知识传播到下一代而不存在。









例如华为与德国慕尼黑工业大学牵头研发的减震技术早已中用手机上。另外德国国家工程院院士Josef Nossek教授明确提出将无线技术应用于光通信的设想,大幅度减少了光传输产品所用芯片的功耗。有一部分人或许心存顾虑,但华为未曾想过从合作伙伴那里提供各种专利或研究成果。





这样的合作活动某种程度有助华为的业务活动,还将给社会和整个产业作出贡献。孟晚舟英文投稿全文Why Huawei values collaboration with universitiesMeng WanzhouUniversities originated in medieval Europe, where for centuries they existed mainly to pass existing knowledge on to subsequent generations. Advances in human knowledge were driven primarily by craftsmen working in guilds. Industrial craftsmanship and university research rarely crossed paths.That changed during the Industrial Revolution, when universities went from simply disseminating knowledge to pushing back its frontiers. James Watt developed the modern steam engine while repairing an inefficient early model at the University of Glasgow. His refinements led to the widespread use of steam power for manufacturing and transport.Private companies and institutes began playing a role in basic research in the 1940s and 1950s. ATTs Bell Labs invented the transistor, the laser, and information theory while an engineer from Texas Instruments ushered in the era of Moores Law by inventing the integrated circuit.Today, universities and companies are collaborating more closely than ever. Universities are leading the charge in basic theoretical researchon artificial intelligence while leading companies like Google, Facebook, Tesla and Huawei Technologies are putting scholars theories to practical use.Nearly half of Huaweis 180,000 employees are engaged in research and development. Over the past decade, we have invested $60 billion in RD and plan to spend $15 billion to $20 billion annually over the coming years.As a tech company, our success -- indeed, our survival -- depends on how accurately our RD predicts the evolution of future communications technology. To get it right, we foster a culture of openness, encouraging employees to absorb the energy of the universe over a cup of coffee. This is a way of saying they should take time out of the work day to get together and bounce around ideas.To foster collaboration externally, the Huawei Innovation Research Program provides a virtual coffee shop where we can exchange ideas with universities and research institutes around the world. First launched inEurope in 2010, the program funds proposals that offer the greatest potential. Through HIRP, we work closely with most of the worlds top 100 universities and with scholars at 50 national laboratories in more than 30 countries.In 2014, we expanded HIRP to support a wider range of scientists whose basic research aligns with our business. To date, the program has funded 1,200 projects, many of which have successfully been commercialized. For example, the noise canceling technology that we developed together with the Technical University of Munich is used in mobile phones. We also work closely with Professor Josef Nossek, a member of the German Academy of Science and Engineering, whose application of wireless concepts to optical communications has reduced the power consumption of chips used in certain optical transmission products.Contrary to what some have alleged, Huawei is not after our partnerspatents or research results. While we have noted Oxford Universitys decision to decline further funding for new projects from Huawei, our goal is only to learn from researchers successes and failures.This type of open collaboration is the only way to close the gap between basic science and its commercial application. It requires not only funding but patience, as the journey from a basic theory to its practical adaptation may take decades.We can only bridge this divide when universities and companies collaborate. Without basic research by universities, industrial development would lack theoretical foundations; without industry, knowledge would remain cloistered in the ivory towers of academia.Huawei supports universities so that scientific research can be a lighthouse that illuminates a path toward the future. Scientists own the lighthouse, allowing them to commercialize the fruits of their research however they like.Huawei will continue funding basic research that leads to advances in science and technology. This collaboration will benefit not only our own commercial efforts, but industry and society as a whole.((公众号:)栏中:该文章以及翻译成来自于观察者网)原创文章,予以许可禁令刊登。下文闻刊登须知。



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